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  1. Cooper , G.F., Macpherson, C.G. , Blundy, J.D., Maunder, B., Allen, R.W., Goes, S., Collier, J.S., Bie, L., Harmon, N., Hicks, S.P., Iveson, A.A., Prytulak, J., Rietbrock, A., Rychert, C., Davidson, J.P., and the VoiLA teamVariable water input controls evolution of the Lesser Antilles volcanic arcNature 582, 525–529, doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2407-5, 2020.
  2. Davy, R.D., Collier, J. S.Henstock, T.J., and the VoiLA consortium,  Wide-angle seismic imaging of two modes of crustal accretion in mature Atlantic Ocean crust, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2019JB019100, 2020.
  3. Maunder, B.Prytulak, J.Goes, S., Reagan, M., Rapid subduction initiation and magmatism in the western Pacific driven by internal vertical forcesNature Communications 11, 1874, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15737-4,  2020.
  4. Futurum Reporters (in conversation with Wilkinson, J.W., Jackson, M.D., Blundy, J., Smith, D.), Magma detectives: studying volcanic arcs to find valuable minerals in Earth’s crust, Futurum Careers, doi: 10.33424/FUTURUM42, 2020.
  5. Hertgen, S., Yamato, P., Guillaume, B., Magni, V., Schliffke, N., Van Hunen, J.Influence of the Thickness of the Overriding Plate on Convergence Zone DynamicsGeochem. Geophys. Geosys. 21, doi: 10.1029/2019GC008678, 2020.
  6. Bie, L., Rietbrock, A., Hicks, S.P., Allen, R., Blundy, J., Clouard, V., Collier, J., Davidson, J., Garth, T., Goes, S., Harmon, N., Henstock, T., Van Hunen, J., Kendall, J-M., Kruger, F., Lynch, L., Macpherson, C., Robertson, R., Rychert, C., Tait, S., Wilkinson, J., Wilson, M. Along‐Arc Heterogeneity in Local Seismicity across the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone from a Dense Ocean‐Bottom Seismometer NetworkSeismol. Res. Lett., 91 (1): 237–247, doi:10.1785/0220190147, 2020.
  7. R.W. Allen, J.S. Collier, A.G. Stewart, T. Henstock, S. Goes, A. Rietbrock, and the VoiLA Team. The role of arc migration in the development of the Lesser Antilles: A new tectonic model for the Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Caribbean, Geology  47 (9): 891-895, 2019.
  8. Harmon, N., Rychert, C., Collier, J., Henstock, T., Van Hunen, J., Wilkinson, J.J.Mapping geologic features onto subducted slabsGeophys. J. Int. 219(2), 725-733, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz290, 2019.
  9. Cooper, G.F., Blundy, J.D., Macpherson, C.G. Humphreys M. C. S., Davidson, J.P. , Evidence from plutonic xenoliths for magma differentiation, mixing and storage in a volatile-rich crystal mush beneath St. Eustatius, Lesser AntillesContrib Mineral Petrol. 174: 39, doi: 0.1007/s00410-019-1576-4, 2019
  10. Melekhova, E., Schlaphorst, D., Blundy, K, Kendall, J.M., Connolly, C., McCarthy, A., Arculus, R., Lateral variation in crustal structure along the Lesser Antilles arc from petrology of crustal xenoliths and seismic receiver functionsEarth Planet. Sci. Lett. 516, 12-24, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.03.030, 2019
  11. Halpaap, F., Rondenay, S., Perrin, A., Goes, S., Ottemöller, L., Austrheim, H., Shaw, R., Eeken, T., Earthquakes track subduction fluids from slab source to mantle wedge sinkScience Advances 5(4), doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav7369, 2019.
  12. Goes, S., Collier, J., Blundy, J., Davidson, J., Harmon, N., Henstock, T., Kendall, J.M., Macpherson, C., Rietbrock, A., Rychert, C., Prytulak, J., Van Hunen, J., Wilkinson, J., Wilson, M.Project VoiLA: Volatile Recycling in the Lesser AntillesEos 100, doi:10.1029/2019EO117309, 2019.
  13. Humphreys, M., Cooper, G., Zhang, J., Loewen, M., Kent, A., Macpherson, C., Davidson, J.,  Unravelling the complexity of magma plumbing at Mount St. Helens: a new trace element partitioning scheme for amphiboleContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174:9, doi: 10.1007/s00410-018-1543-5, 2019.
  14. Perrin, A., Goes, S. Prytulak, J, Rondenay, S., Davies, D.R., Mantle wedge temperatures and their potential relation to volcanic arc locationEarth Planet. Sci. Lets., 501, 67-77, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.011, 2018.
  15. Camejo-Harry, M., Melekhova, E., Blundy, J. and Robertson, R.Evolution in magma storage conditions beneath Kick-’em-Jenny and Kick-’em-Jack submarine volcanoes, Lesser Antilles arcJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 373, 1-22, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.01.0232018.
  16. Schlaphorst, D., Melekhova, E., Kendall, J-M., Blundy, J., Latchman, J.L.,  Probing layered arc crust in the Lesser Antilles using receiver functionsR. Soc. Open Sci. 5:180764, doi: 10.1098/rsos.180764, 2018.
  17. Allen, R. W., Berry, C., Henstock, T. J., Collier, J. S., Dondin, F. J. Y., Rietbrock, A., Latchman, J. L., and Robertson, R. E. A.30 Years in the Life of an Active Submarine Volcano: A Time-Lapse Bathymetry Study of the Kick-’em-Jenny Volcano, Lesser AntillesGeochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 19(3), 715-731, doi: 10.1002/2017GC007270, 2018.
  18. Eakin, C.M., Rychert, C.A., Harmon, N., The Role of Oceanic Transform Faults in Seafloor Spreading: A Global Perspective From Seismic AnisotropyJournal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 123 (2), pp. 1736-1751, doi: 10.1002/2017JB015176, 2018.
  19. Camejo-Harry, M., Melekhova, E., Blundy, J., Attridge, W., Robertson, R. and Christopher, T., Magma evolution beneath Bequia, Lesser Antilles, deduced from petrology of lavas and plutonic xenolithsContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 77, doi: 10.1007/s00410-018-1504-z, 2018.
  20. Perrin, A., Goes, S. Prytulak, J, Davies, D.R., Wilson, C.R., Kramer S.C, Reconciling mantle wedge thermal structure with arc lava thermobarometric determinations in oceanic subduction zonesGeochem. Geophys. Geosys. 17, 4105–4127, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006527, 2016.
  21. Cooper, G.F., Davidson, J.P., Blundy, J.D., Plutonic xenoliths from Martinique, Lesser Antilles: evidence for open system processes and reactive melt ow in island arc crustContrib. Mineral Petrol. 171-87, 21 p., doi: 10.1007/s00410-016-1299-8, 2016.
  22. Schlaphorst, D, Kendall, J-M., Collier, J.S., Verdon, J.P., Blundy, J., Baptie, B., Latchman, J.L., Massin, F., Bouin, M-P, Water, oceanic fracture zones and the lubrication of subducting plate boundaries—insights from seismicityGeophys. J. Int. 204, 1405-1420, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv509, 2016.